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Kamis, 29 Desember 2011



Prophet Muhammad, as role models and rahmatan lil'alamin for People who expect the grace and the coming Day of Judgement and Allah much (al-ahzaab: 21) is first and Foremost educators in the world of Islamic education. The process of transformation of knowledge, internalizing the values
​​and emotional guidance spitualisme Prophet Miracles performed can be regarded as extraordinary, that no matter what and where Humans can not do the same.
The results of the Prophet Islamic education period can be seen from the abilities of his students (his Companions) is remarkable, for example: people ibn Khotab law and government experts, Expert Hadith of Abu Hurairah, Salman al-Farisi expert Comparative Religion: Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam and Ali ibn Abi Talib jurists and commentators of the Koran, then muri of the companions of the future, tabi'-tabi'in, many WHO are experts in Various fields of science of science, technology, astronomy, philosophy of Islam the which deliver the golden gate time. Only the period of the Prophet, the phase of Mecca and Medina phase, education activists can absorb a variety of theories and basic principles related to patterns of education and social interaction are commonly Implemented in any Islamic education management.
Picture and the pattern of Islamic education in the period of Makka and the Prophet Muhammad in Medina is the past history That We need to express again, as a comparison, the source of ideas, picture of the success of the strategy implementation process of Islamic education. Prophet Muhammad Pattern of future education, not independent of the method, evaluation, materials, curriculum, education, Learners. Institution, foundation, goals, etc. related to the implementation of Islamic education, Both teoristis and practical.
This short paper thin and can not accommodate all forms of education pattern ago Because of time constraints and also the limitations of science writer in Revealing. Although this paper is very simple most Will not add to motivation and insight the reader to review and explore more about the pattern of the period of the Prophet Islamic education. Hopefully there is benefit to the readers. Wallahu kulli haq la nature, yours respectfully.

(Mecca and Medina)

The socio-cultural pre-Islamic Arab society. Especially in communities in Mecca and Medina greatly affect the pattern of education in the period of the Prophet of Mecca and Medina. The quantity of people who converted to Islam in Makkah phase less than in those who converted to Islam in Medina phase. This is due to the nature of them and the culture of their ancestors while the Medina Islamic teachings more accessible because the current condition of society, especially the Aus and Khazraj, in desperate need of a leader, to flex their fellow dispute and as a "protector" of the threat of Jewish Kaun, in addition more benign nature of the population who dlatarbelakangi geographical conditions more comfortable and lush. The author tries to reveal the pattern of Islamic education period of the Prophet Muhammad which can be divided into two phases, namely (1) phase of Makkah, (2) phase of Medina.

A. Phase Mecca
Allah is wise, as a potential role model of humanity, Muhammad ibn Abdullah since the "very early" has been prepared of God, with a guard of the attitudes of ignorance. With a commendable depraved, terms with the values ​​of humanism and spiritualism Almost alone in the middle-Among the people who are not inhumane, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, still managed to get a bachelor's highest award, namely al-Amiin. Ibn Abdullah, the firm maintains a tradition of Prophet Ibrahim, steadfast in the search for ultimate truth, threw himself from the crowd and hedonism with berkontenplasi attitude (bertahannus) in Cave hira.

 On the 17th of Ramadan fell first of God's revelation, letter al'Alaq verses 1-5 as a phase of Makkah Islamic education.

1. Stages of Islamic Education in Makkah phase
The pattern of education undertaken by the Prophet in line with the stages of proselytizing it conveys to Quraysh. In this case I divide it into three stages:

a. Stage of the Secret Islamic Education and Personal
At the beginning of the first revelation (the first revelation) of the Koran 96 paragraph 5 letter, the pattern of education is carried out clandestinely, given the socio-political conditions that have not been stable, starting from himself and his immediate family. At first the Prophet to educate his wife, Khadija to have faith in and receive instructions from God, then followed by his adopted son Ali Ibn Abi Talib (uncle's son) and Zaid ibn Harithah (a housekeeper who later became his adopted son). Then his close friend Abu Bakr Siddiq. In beransur-ansur invitation is widely available, but is still limited among the immediate family of the tribe Qurays like Uthman ibn Affan alone, Cloud ibn Zubair, Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqas, Bdurrahman ibn Awf, Talha ibn Ubaidillah, Ubaidillah ibn Abu Jahrah, Arqam ibn Arqam, Fatima bint al-Khattab, Said ibn Zaid, and a few others, they are all early stage is called Assabiquna al awwalun, meaning the people who initially converted to Islam. As an educational institution and center of Islamic education is the first in this early era is home Arqam ibn Arqam.

b. Education Stage Islam openly
Education by stealth lasts for three years, until the next time down, which ordered preaching openly and blatantly. When the revelation turu, he invited his immediate family to gather dibukt Safa, calling for careful of harsh punishment in the future (doomsday) for people who do not acknowledge God as the One God and Muhammad as His messenger. The call was answered Abu Lahab, Muhammad's Woe! Is this for us we collect?. when it drops revelation explained about Abu Lahab and wife.

Mission command explicitly done by the Prophet, along with a growing number of friends and to increase the range of call propaganda, because propaganda is believed by many of the Quraysh which will convert to Islam. In addition, the presence of Arqam ibn Arqam home as a center of Islamic education and the institution already known by the Kuffar Qrays.

c. Islamic Education for the Public Stage
The results call for openly preaching that focuses on your immediate family, seems to have not been up appropriate with what to expect. So Allah's Apostle changed his message of appeal strategy focused on immediate family shifted to call umu, mankind as a whole. The appeal in the scale of "international" are based on gods command, the letter of al-Hijr verses 94-95.

As a follow up of the command, the prophet went on the pilgrimage season tents on the pilgrims. At first not many received, except for a group of pilgrims from Yathrib, Kabiulah Khazraj who received enthusiastically preaching. From this light radiates outward Islamic Mecca.
Community acceptance of Islam in Yathrib enthusiasm is due to several factors, (1) the news of the birth of the Jews would be an Apostle, (2) Aus and Khazraj tribe under pressure and threats from Jewish groups, (3) Conflict between the Khazraj and Aus sustainable in the long span of time, therefore they expect a leader who is able to protect and reconcile them.

Next, the pilgrimage season in the twelfth year apostolate of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah visited by twelve men and a woman to pledge allegiance, known as "Bai'ah al'Aqabah I" promised they would not worship besides Allah SWT, not will steal and commit adultery: not going to kill the children, and keep the abominations and slander, always obey the Prophet in the right, and not bertrayel against something they do not want.

Thanks to the high spirits that have the friends in preach the teachings of Islam, so that the entire population of Yathrib to Islam except the Jews. The next pilgrimage season, 73 people were pilgrims from Yathrib came to the Prophet Muhammad and the set of belief in Allah and His Messenger the same place with the implementation "of al-Aqabah Baiah I" last year, known as "al-Aqabah Baiah II" and they will agree Prophet brought to Yathrib.

2. Islamic Educational Material
Educators in Makkah phase material can be divided to two parts, namely (1) Tawheed education, (2) the teaching of the Koran. First, education Matei monotheism, this material is more focused to purify the religion of Prophet Ibrahim brought monotheism, which has been distorted by a society of ignorance. In essence theorists monotheistic teachings contained in the content of the letter of al-Fatihah verse 1-7 and Surat al-Ikhlas, verses 1-5. practical education given monotheism malaui wise manner, will lead the mind to bring his people to readers, pay attention and think about the power and greatness of God and man himself. Then he taught her how to how to apply the notion of monotheism in everyday life. Messenger immediately became an example for his people. The result, a habit that started the Arab community action on behalf of the idols, was replaced with the words Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. habits of idolatry, then replaced with worship and glorify God.
Second, al-Quran teaching materials. Inidapat material specified to: (1) literacy materials of the Koran, for now called the dictation material 'and iqra'. By Matei is expected that the habit of the Arabs who often read poetry beautifully, replaced by reading the Koran as the higher value of reading literature (2) Matei memorize verses of the Koran, which was later called the memorize the holy verses of the Koran, (3) the material understanding of the Koran, currently referred to the material fahmi the Koran or the interpretation of the Koran: the purpose of this material is to straighten the Muslims think the pattern who think the pattern is affected ignorance. This is where lies the function of tradition as reading the Koran.

3. Methods of Islamic Education
Educational methods conducted in the target Prophet companions, among others: (1) a lecture, delivered a new revelation of receipt and provide explanations and explanations, (2) dialogue, such dialogue between the Prophet with Mu'az ibn Jabal when Mu ' az will be commissioned as Ahadi to the country of Yemen, the dialogue between the Prophet with his companions to set the strategy of war, (3) discussion or question and answer; frequent companions bartanya the Messenger about a law, then the apostle replied, (4) perumpanaan methods: for example the Believers is like one body, when one limb pain then the other body will also feel it. (5) method of the story, for example the story of his journey of Isra 'and Miraj and the story of the encounter with the prophet Moses anatara Khaidir (6) method of habituation: membiasakankaum congregation prayers of Muslims (8) method rote for example the friends are encouraged to keep al-Quran by memorizing .
In the book "Tarbiyah Islamiyah" written by Najb Khalid al-Amar, said That the methods of Islamic education is conducted in the period of the Prophet Muhammad of Mecca and Medina, was (1) through a direct rebuke Such Hadith Prophet: Salmah ibn Umar ra "in the past Will be a maid in the house of the Prophet, Pls eating for example I extended my hand to a variety of directions. Seeing it he says, Hi ghulam read Bismillah, eat with your right, and eat what is didekatmu "(2) through innuendo Messenger of Allah said:" What people are saying this desire that? Truly I pray and sleep, I fast and break the fast and whoever I marry women WHO are not happy with class I sunnah me means he's not . (See Shahirul Jami `Ash Sagheer, Hadith No. juice. 5. 5448 (3) termination of the pilgrims. Ever Ka` b ibn Malik did not Participate in the war and its Rasullah Saw Tabuk. He said other companions of the Prophet forbade speaking with me, Mentioned the Prophet said enjoin pray your children from the age of seven and beat Them if Reluctant to do it at age ten, and They see themselves separate from the bed (Abu Leaves and Justice) (5) through a comparison of The Story of Those WHO passed; use the cue word: eg close second finger as a gesture of unity menggelang necessity; example of each of what the Prophet conveyed by the Prophet Himself uswah.

4. Islamic Education Curriculum
Islamic education curriculum in the period Rasululah both in Mecca and medina is the Koran that God revealed in accordance with the conditions and situations, events and yag events experienced by Muslims at the time, because it is in practice not only logical and rational but also fitra and pragmatic. Such a way that results can be seen from the spiritual and mental attitude of his followers.

5. Institute of Islamic Education
According to the opinion of the writer of Islamic educational institutions in Makkah phase there are two kinds of places that is home Arqam ibn Arqam and Kuttah House Arqam ibn Arqam is first place gathering of the Muslims and their Prophet to learn the laws and the basics of Islamic teachings. This house is the first educational institution or the first madrasa once in Islam as for the teaching in these institutions is the Prophet himself.
Kuttab. Education in kuttab not the same as home education held in Arqam ibn Arqam, education at home Arqam ibn Arqam content of the material on Islamic law and the basics of Islam, while education in kuttab initially more focused on literacy material of literature, poetry and learning Arabic numeracy but after the coming of Islam the material coupled with literacy materials al-Quran and understand the laws of Islam. The teachers who teach in the Kuttab on the early era of Islam are those non-Muslims. In the history of Islamic education kuttab term has been known among the nation's pre-Islamic Arabic, etymologically derived from the Arabic kuttab kataba ie, yaktubu, which means kitaaban has written, is writing and writing while maktab means a table or a place to write

B. Phase Medina
The arrival of the Prophet Muhammad with the Muslims of Mecca, was greeted with joy by the inhabitants of Medina and with a sense of brotherhood. Thus Islam received a new environment that is free from the threat of the rulers of Quraysh of Mecca, his da`wah environment, convey the teachings of Islam and translate it in everyday life. Revelation in a row during the period of the Prophet Muhammad Medina wisdom in the teaching of the Koran is to encourage his followers to memorize and write down the verses of the Quran as it teaches. He held frequent repetition-repetition in reading the Quran in prayer, in speeches, in the lessons and other opportunities.

1. Institute of Islamic Education
When the Prophet and his Companions to Madina hijras one of the first program that he did was the building of a mosque. After completion of the mosque, the Prophet Muhammad moved occupies most of the room which is specifically provided for him. Similarly among the poor Emigrants who can not afford to build their own homes.
The mosque was the center of the Prophet Muhammad with the Muslims, to jointly develop a new community, people are illuminated by reflect monotheism and the unity of the Ummah. In the mosque that he consulted on various matters, founded the congregation prayer, reading the Koran, and reciting verses from the newly derived. Thus the mosque was a center of education and teaching.
A policy which is very effective in fostering and developing a new community in Medina, is disyari `atkannya communication media based on revelation, which is held the Friday prayer in congregation and prayer. With the Friday prayer are almost all citizens come together to directly hear the sermon of the prophet Muhammad and the Friday prayer congregation.

2. The material in the Medina Islamic Education
In phase Medina educational materials provided coverage is more complex than the education phase amteri Mecca. Among the implementation of Islamic education in Medina are:

1) Education ukhwah (brotherhood) between the muslimimin
In implementing this ukhwah education, the prophet Muhammad starts from family structure that existed at that time. To unite the prophet Muhammad's family tried to tie it into one unified entity. They have brothering for God not for others. In accordance with the contents constitution Medina, too, that among those who believe, should not let his brother live and bear the burden of heavy debt among them. Anatara believers to each other must be help each other help in dealing with all matters of life. They must work together in bringing good, take care of common interests and refused to harm or evil that will befall

2) Education of social welfare
Ensuring social welfare, depending primarily on the fulfillment of basic needs than everyday life. For that everyone should work for a living. To overcome the problem of the work, the prophet Muhammad ordered the Emigrants who have to brotherhood with the Ansor, so that they work together with these brothers. Emigrants are usually those of the Bethany please follow agriculture, please follow the usual brother trade. For security prophet Muhammed forming units observer who had the assignment to guard against possibility attacks and disruption to the lives of the Muslims. These units are the embryo of the troops on duty to secure and maintain and support the tasks of Islamic da `wah further.

3) Education sib family welfare
The definition of family is a husband, wife and children. Prophet Muhammad sought to improve the situation by introducing and simultaneously implement new kinship family system, which is based on taqwa to Allah. Introduction of family and kinship systems are based on the recognition of individual rights, the rights of the family and descendants in the life of purity of kinship and community in a fair and balanced, as seen in the letter al-Hujarat verse 13:
O mankind! We created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that ye may know each other know. Verily the noblest among you in Allah's sight is the most pious among you

Kinship, formed spontaneously as a result of the rules on the Muhrim and heir to a dying world and the rules of guardianship. In this kinship, the characteristics of individuals and families with a clear and prominent property rights to assets, while the only visible feature of kinship relationships between individuals is essentially characterized by the marriage should not be carrying out internal relatives.

4) Education defense and security propagation of Islam
Community of the Muslims is one state (state) under the guidance of Prophet Muhammad who has sovereignty. This is the basis for his da'wah efforts to convey the teachings of Islam to all mankind gradually. Therefore, after the Muslim community in Medina standing and sovereign, the prophet Muhammed next effort is to expand the recognition of sovereignty is a way to invite the tribes around Medina to recognize the constitution of Medina. Invitation was delivered with a good and wise.
For those who do not want to bind the peace agreement there are two possible actions of the Prophet Muhammad (1) if they not express hostility or did not attack the Muslims or the tribes that have entered into an agreement with the Muslims, then they are left alone, (2) but if they expressed hostility and attacked the Muslims or attacking those who have a covenant of peace with the Muslims, then it must fought, so that they see themselves and recognize the sovereignty of states subject to the Muslims


The pattern of Islam education phase period Prophet of Mecca-Medina's not all authors buisa contained in the papers. At least the discussion will be found the common thread that phase of education patterns of Mecca and Medina have similarities and differences, there are two phases of Makkah educational institution that is home Arqam ibn Arqam and Kuttab, while at the Medina home education institutions and the Mosque of the Companions of multi-function

Educational material in the medina is as follows:

a. Education ukhwah (brotherhood) between the muslimimin
b. Education of social welfare
c. Sib family welfare education
d. Education hamkam (defense and security) propagation of Islam

Kuriukulum used Mecca and Medina are the same that is described al-Quran with the hadith prophet Muhammad revealed gradually, just a more complete curriculum in Medina, in tune with the increasing revelation revealed to Prophet


Haekal, History of the Life of Muhammad, Penrj. Ali Audah (New York: Central Library, 1972)
Zuhairini et al, History of Islamic Education, (New York: Bunni Literacy: working with the Directorate General of Islamic Institutions Department of Religion, 1997),
AJB Khalid al-Amar, tarbiyah Prophet, penjrj. Ibn Muhammad, Fakhrudin Nursyam (Jakarta: Gema Insani Prres 1996)
Zuhairini et al, History of Islamic Education, (New York: Bunni Literacy: working with the Directorate General of Islamic Institutions Department of Religion, 1997

[1] Social Conditions of community among the Arabs, there are several classes of society, different from one another. The Arabs are very laud the master and slave insulting. Even the master is entitled to all the spoils and riches, and servants are required to pay fines and taxes, slave-like fields cultivated land produces more wealth. Then current power system is a dictatorship. Many rights are lost and neglected. The slaves can not do the slightest resistance, many of those who feel hunger, pain, and difficulty that is not infrequently fatal, in vain. Economic conditions following the social conditions, which can be seen from the street life of the Arabs. Trade is the most dominant means to make ends meet. Lane trade route can not be controlled unless simply unable to control the security and peace. While these conditions are not safe as manifested in the Arabian peninsula except the holy months. That's when the markets opened the famous Arabic as Ukadz, dzil-Majaz, Medina and others. They do not master the industrial and handicraft. Most of the craft that is in Arabic such as sewing, tanning leather, and others come from the people of Yemen, and suburban Hirah Sham. Yet amid the peninsula there is agriculture and livestock grazing. While Arab women simply by spinning. But the riches owned yagn can invite the outbreak of war. Poverty, hunger and that naked people are familiar sight in the community. The condition of religious life is very ironic. Idolaters people thrive khufarat impact to the social life of politics and religion. The Jews turned into people who are arrogant, cocky. Their leaders to be worshiped except Allah. While Christianity became the religion peganisme an elusive and cause confusion between God and Man. In terms of Akhlah, they are the ones who are competing and prides itself in trouble and kumrahan kedermawaan hearts, people who occupy the promise, the glory of the soul and eengganan accept humiliation and injustice, never retreat, gentleness or help others, simplicity patterns Bedouin life. See, Shafiyurraman al-Mubarakfury, Shirah Nabawiyah, Penjr.Kathur Suhardi, (New York: Library AIK Autsar, 2000), prints to-9, pp. 46-64.

[2] If there is a tendency soul suddenly
tickle to taste some of the pleasures of the world or want to follow some traditions that are not admirable, then the help of God entered as a barrier between themselves and the pleasure he or tendency. Ibn Athir narrated that the Prophet Muhammad had said, It never crossed my mind a desire to follow the common practice of people ignorant except for two times. But then God becomes a barrier between myself and the desire. Once it is no longer the slightest desire to glorify God you with his treatise, one night I once told a young man who was with me disuatu mengembala goat hill in Mecca. "Please beware the goats, lambs, because I'm about to enter Mecca and started chatting there like the other young men". I will carry it out, "said my partner youth. So I turned to go. In addition to the first house kulewatidi Makkah, I heard the sound of tambourines wasps, "What is this? I asked. The people replied, "So and so and fulanah wedding event," I'm dukuk and listen. Namul God shut my ears and I fell asleep, until I woke up the next day because the sun sting. I went back and he immediately asked kerekanku keadaannku. Then preach what happens. On another night I say it anyway and do the same thing as the previous night. So after another night like that anyway I say and do things the same as the previous night. So after I no longer want to do things quickly, The authenticity of this hadith in dispute. Justify its and Al Hakim ibn Kathir al-Bidayah weaken in an Nihayah Wa, 2 / 287). Ibid pp. 86-7

[3] The Prophet Muhammad is a servant of God ang decorated with noble manners and terpuki. He was very famous among the people of Quraysh as kestria, always firm and holds the promise of precise, a good person and very polite to the neighbors and people who always shy away from bad deeds, low self-esteem (tawadu ') generous, brave, honest and reliable until they called him "Al Amin" see Hasan Ibrahim Hasan, History and Culture of Islam, trans. H.A. Baharudin (New York: Kalam Noble 2002) to Volume I, cet to I, pp. 141-2

[4] See Q. 26. 213-216
[5] Haekal, History of the Life of Muhammad, Penrj. Ali Audah (New York: Central Library, 1972) pp. 30-2
[6] See, QS 111 :1-5

[7] Zuhairini et al, History of Islamic Education, (New York: Bunni Literacy: working with the Directorate General of Islamic Institutions Department of Religion, 1997), cet to-5, pp. 23-7

[8] See Najb Khalid al-Amar, tarbiyah Prophet, penjrj. Ibn Muhammad, Fakhrudin Nursyam (Jakarta: Gema Insani Prres 1996), cet to-3 pp. 33-41

[9] Zuhairini et al, History of Islamic Education, (New York: Bunni Literacy: working with the Directorate General of Islamic Institutions Department of Religion, 1997), cet to-5, h 23-7
[10] Ibid. pp. 44

[11] Ibid., pp. 62


Haekal, Sejarah Hidup Muhammad, Penrj. Ali Audah ( Jakarta : Balai Pustaka, 1972)
Zuhairini dkk, Sejarah Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta : Buni Aksara : bekerja sama dengan Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Kelembagaan Agama Islam Departemen Agama, 1997), cet ke-5
 ajb Khalid al-Amar, tarbiyah Rasulullah, penjrj. Ibn Muhammad, Fakhrudin Nursyam ( Jakarta : Gema Insani Prres 1996), cet ke-3
Zuhairini dkk, Sejarah Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta : Buni Aksara : bekerja sama dengan Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Kelembagaan Agama Islam Departemen Agama, 1997), cet ke-5,  


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