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Since the reform of the industry echoed, in the 18th century every aspect of the organization require inspection activities. Entering the 19th century, following the development of inspection terms changed to supervision. Supervision activities closely related to management activities, particularly planning. The role and function of supervision increasingly felt in all aspects of education are no exception.
In education the role of supervision is never simple, people who supervises we know as "supervisor". As part of the education management, supervisors play a crutial role in the achievement of responsibility and hard work more challenging, because in addition be responsible for himself he is also responsible for other people.
In Indonesia, the activities Supervision entered first in the Dutch colonial era has been progressing. Although relatively slow, slowly but surely finding its position as a supervision activity "powerful tool" to achieve the vision and mission of National Education.
Improving the quality of education is not an easy task because it is influenced by various factors such as the quality of educational inputs, the quality of education resources, quality of teachers and education managers, the quality of learning, education management capacity anticipate and handle a variety of influences environment education.
In addition, supervision is not only dealing with the professionalism of teachers but also to the physical aspects such as fund management, personnel, buildings, equipment and other facilities. Thus the more complex issues that arise in the field anyway. The most obvious is the teacher as the target man's head supervisor supervisor himself even less aware of the activities of supervision itself, coupled with the lack of optimal role in field supervisor.
Every implementation of educational programs in need of supervision or supervision. On supervision affect the effectiveness of the program. Therefore, the supervision must examine whether or not the conditions that will enable the achievement of educational goals.
Departing from the reality of what happened, as already mentioned above, it would require a detailed explanation and detailed supervision of education in order to understand how educators need and importance of supervision in education.

A. Definition of Supervision

The term supervision has little understanding of different depend from the side where people read, hear or interpret the term in accordance with the classification, requirements and objectives.
The shift of meaning has taken place since the first appearance of "inspection" to control, the latter controlling the terms of supervision. Next will be explained the difference monitoring, control and supervision are summarized in the below.

The term is related to administrative oversight. Observe and record any decree anything that is in the field and then the results were taken and submitted to the Head of School as an administrator. The results of the next record to be material for the development of future teacher meetings

Control term related to the management. Once the planning is completed and in the organization, in active the personnel whose work is controlled. The word refers to the activity directly controls the direction and correction when the members find wrong doing in the field.

Almost together with improved control for the faults found rectified immediately after learning is complete. But it is different because it only happens Control coaching teachers, especially in improving learning.

The concept of supervision can not be equated with the inspection, as the inspection more emphasis on power and authoritarian, while supervision is more about friendship that is based on the delivery of services and better co-operation between the teachers, because it is democratic. The term educational supervision can be explained both by origin (etymology), form words (morphology), and the content contained in these words (semantics).

1.      Etymology
The term supervision is taken in the English word "Supervision" means supervision in education. People did supervise that is called a supervisor.
2.      Morphological
Supervision can be explained by the form of words. Supervision consists of two words, namely Super means above, over and Vision meaningful look, look, watch. A supervisor is positioned above or having higher positions than those on supervision
3.      Semantics
At the bottom of the content contained in the definition of a formula about something depending on who defines it.

According to some experts sense education is the Education Supervision:

1.      Carter V. Good in his book, Dictionary of Education
As quoted by Burhanuddin, giving the sense that education is a supervision of a chief or a supervisor to lead or assist teachers and other staff in improving performance, including stimulating teaching, selection of office growth and development of teachers and to revision goals education, teaching materials and teaching methods and teaching evaluation.
2.      The concept of modern supervising Kimball Willes (1967)
"Supervision is assistance in the development of a better teaching, learning situation". Supervision is an aid in the development of a better learning situation. This formulation suggests that supervision services covering the entire teaching-learning situation. (Goal, material, technique, method, teacher, student, an environment). Learning situation that should be rectified da supervision enhanced through service activities. Thus services such supervision activities cover all aspects of the provision of education and teaching.
3.      Ministry of Education (1994)
Supervision is: "The guidance given to all school staff so that they can to increase ability to develop teaching and learning situation is good.”
4.      Willes briefly formulate
That supervision partially support the development of a learning situation for the better. Adam and supervision as the Dickey formulate the ministry, especially regarding the teaching-learning process improvement.
5.      Educational Supervision
common by efforts guiding teachers in developing learning process which includes;
a). Learning materials
b). The learning process
c). Life skills that are needed
d). The level of competence of teachers
e). Conditions Students

And expert understanding of the many education experts, it can be concluded that supervision was: "Efforts to help, nurture, guide and direct the entire school staff so that they can improve the ability to develop the teaching-learning situation better. Thus, supervision apply to the creation or development of the teaching-learning situation better.

For that there are two aspects to consider:

1. The implementation of learning activities
2. The things that support teaching and learning

Since the main aspect is the teacher, the services and activities of the supervision should be more directed towards efforts to improve and enhance the ability of teachers to manage teaching and learning.
Not unlike the general supervision, supervision of Islamic education is an attempt to help teachers and other school staff in all matters, especially those related to educational activities and administrative implemented systematically, democratic, and cooperative learning situations in order to achieve effective and efficient.

B.    Systems, Functions and Objectives of Islamic Education Supervision
Islamic Educational Supervision System is an effort to improve the quality of supervision in education and teaching at the school, as well as the improvement and development of the supervision in total, that the purpose of supervision of Islamic education is not only to improve the quality of teaching and teachers but also foster the growth of learning facilities are good to all participants learners. Supervision system is done with sincerity and a strong commitment on the basis of clear objectives will be able to create quality educational institutions.
Supervision purposes that is ultimately aimed at improving the quality of the students. This is as stated by Sergiovanni (1983) that the purpose of supervision is:

1.      The ultimate goal is to achieve growth and development of students (who are total).
2.      The second objective is to assist the Principal in customizing educational programs from time to time continue (in order to face the challenges of changing times).
3.      The purpose is to work to develop close teaching-learning process.
4.      Intermediate goal is to foster teachers to educate students with better or enforce work discipline humanely.

Supervision has a different function and purpose, as described in the table below;

Supervision Function
a.       Helping schools to create high-quality graduates
b.      Helping teachers work together in a professional
c.       Help schools work with community

Supervision destination
a.       Helping to create the optimal graduates in quality and quantity
b.      Help teachers develop professional, personal, social
c.       Principal helps in improving the quantity and quality of graduates
d.      Come improve cooperation with the community or the school committee.

Supervising the activities of Islamic Education public school with more emphasis on the technical aspects of education, while at the school includes technical terms and technical education in order to help manage the administration of the school.
While the function and purpose of supervision of Islamic Education is not much different from the supervision of Education. Islamic Education Supervision function is;
1). Assist schools in creating high-quality graduates
2). Helping teachers to work in a professional
3). Help schools work with community

Role of Islamic Education Supervision is:
1) Helping to create an optimal school graduates in quantity and quality
2) Helping teachers develop professional, personal, social
3) Assist the Principal in improving the quality and quantity of graduates
4) Participate improve cooperation with the community or the school

C. The Problems of Contemporary Supervision

Of all the problems, there are three very urgent problem, namely:
1.      The number of teachers or principals themselves are not familiar with the term supervision; concept, role, purpose and function
2.      Department supervisors are determined less qualified for appointment tends competence based on the level of seniority (the old servants close to retirement) is not based on ability
3.      Principal as the main supervisor does not meet the standards of most observers, because only good at planning but lacking in execution especially in terms of follow-up.
4.      Educations bureaucracy too ensnare causing side effects of the emergence of the practice of "Bribery" between the both supervisors and supervision which, besides the government bureaucracy has limited the scope of the duty supervisor.
5.      For supervisors in the area are less than ideal in performing engineering supervision, the majority of them use a technique class supervision visits, whereas many new teachers or a majority of them have never been on supervision at all.
6.      No doubt, many teachers are afraid to ask for help from supervisors because they believe in by clicking-expose problems with their teaching, they invite a low evaluation of their work
7.      Determination of field studies supervisor and supervisor personnel no. As the government argued that the principal can overcome this problem, but not all principals are experts in the field willing.

As for the study of teachers' attitudes towards supervision of concern by Neagley and Evans (in Mantja, 1998) with reference to a number of research results to some experts supervise teaching. The findings were reported, that is:
1.      Effective supervision should be based on the basis of the principles in accordance with changes in social and group dynamics
2.      The teachers want the supervision of the Head of School as they should be done by trained personnel who shook supervisor
3.      Principal does not perform properly supervise
4.      All teachers need supervision and expect to in supervision
5.      The teachers appreciate and assess positively the behavior of supervisors 'warm', mutual trust, friendship and respect for teachers
6.      Supervision is considered beneficial if planned properly, the supervisor indicates the nature of helping and providing models of effective teaching
7.      Supervisors provide a high enough participation to teachers for decision making in supervision interview
8.      Supervisor prioritize skills development relationship "humanism", a case is the case with skill and diligence
9.      Supervisors should create an organizational climate that is open, which allows the stability relationships of mutual support (supportive).

Of the various problems in the supervision will eventually be technical obstacles in the implementation of supervision in education. Thus we know and can map these problems into several categories, as follows:

1.      Supervisor does not communicate the plan / supervision programs to teachers as subjects supervision.
2.      Focus supervision only focus on administration, lack of touch on the development of teachers' skills in teaching and nurtured in learning process.
3.      Supervisor did not perform regular classroom visits
4.      Supervisor did not dominate the conversation and walk one direction.
5.      No assessment feedback
6.      Supervisor never asked the teacher for comment and assessment of the supervision that have been implemented.

If the supervisor was able to task well, with attention to the issue-an issue that usually appears in the supervision, the above constraints can be minimized so that the steps that have been prepared to come to fruition.
Good supervision will generate a pattern of good performance, if the supervision is done by means and methods that correctly, this course also requires the right knowledge to the supervisors in carrying out their duties. To facilitate the implementation of the principal techniques of supervision required supervision. Experts vary in their stages of formulating techniques will supervise but basically remain the same.
Among the various activities supervision are as follows:
1. Classroom visits
2. Individual talks
3. Discussion groups
4. Group demonstration
5. Classroom visit between teachers
6. Curriculum development
7. Bulletin supervision
8. Library professionals
9. Workshop
10. Surfey’s school-community

Thus it is important to supervise engineering dominated by the principal, without skill techniques in practice is not going to go well. Supervision techniques will make it easier for the achievement of the goals from the goals that have been set. Therefore, the application of techniques of supervision is a form of progress to develop.


Soebagyo Atmodiwiryo. 2011. Manajemen Pengawasan (Supervisi
Kepala Sekolah). Jakarta: PT. Ardadizya, hal.230

Made Pidarta. 2009. Supervisi Pendidikan Kontekstual. Jakarta: Rineka Cipt, hal. 12

Binti Maunah.2009.Supervisi Pendidikan Islam. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Teras, hal.281

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