Mic. Doc
Subjects : Developmental Psychology
Lecturer : KH. Bambang Suryadi, Ph.D.
Credits : 3 credits
1. This exam is take home test.
2. Write the full reference.
3. Answer all questions independently.
4. Written answer with the computer, one point five spaced, type the letters
"God represents an angel in the womb. Then the angel said, "O God, if this النطفة (developing)? O God, if this العلقة (developing)? O God, if this المضغة (developing)? If God willed the creation of embryos, the angel again said, "O my Lord, is it male or female? As the wretched or happy? And when death arrives? "Then all of the provisions that will be written from inside the mother's belly." (Hadith Bukhari history).
"Keep in deepening the concept (philosophical or theoretical) about the importance of character education, as well as the effectiveness of the methodology and instruments of character education and its sustainability in the future. At a minimum, post-educational character of the participants are still consistent to behave as expectations of college scholars, conscience and independent. On the other hand, character education is expected to be boosters studies personality development courses that already exist, so the expectation that college graduates have a good character really a motivation for each study program to develop the personality of students and alumni identity. In the long run, it should also be considered to be no longer the character education as a curricular program that became part of the credit system of the semester to graduate as someone who has taken graduate program, but as a character education program of action developed through the character of the campus culture in line with the vision and educational mission.”
Subjects : Developmental Psychology
Lecturer : KH. Bambang Suryadi, Ph.D.
Credits : 3 credits
1. This exam is take home test.
2. Write the full reference.
3. Answer all questions independently.
4. Written answer with the computer, one point five spaced, type the letters
it is times new roman type.
5. The answer given at the fourth
1. Describe the period of human
development from the prenatal phase of modern psychology perspective (West) and
Islam. To strengthen your answer, give Quranic verse or Hadith Islamic
perspective in the discussion.
2. The theory of sexual development
of S. Freud has implications in the world of education, which teaches about reproductive
health education (another term for sex education) early. Give your views on the
analysis and reproductive health education for children.
According to Kohlberg's
developmental theory, moral become a major aspect of the educational process. In
the Indonesian context, moral education is often referred to as character
education. Give your thoughts to resolve the issue of character education in Indonesia.
Phase during prenatal development
of man from the perspective
of modern psychology (West) and Islam
Stage of development as perceived by western psychology
Stages of prenatal development is divided into three
phases, namely the period of the germinal stage, the stage of the embryo, and
fetus stage. To condense the prenatal development of the third period, it can
be explained that the initial creation of the human family stems from a quintessence
that rise from the ground (male sperm). Then the sperm meets the ovum becomes a
zygote and then stored in a sturdy (womb). According to the perception of
western psychology, the stages is as follows:
# 1 Definitions of periods
Prenatal or antenatal development is the process in which a
human embryo or fetus (or foetus) ge states during pregnancy, from
fertilization until birth. Often, the terms fetal development, foetal
development, or embryology are used in a similar sense.
After fertilization the embryogenesis starts. In humans,
when embryogenesis finishes, by the end of the tenth week of gestational age,
the precursors of all the major organs of the body have been created.
Therefore, the following period, the fetal period, is described both topically
on one hand, i.e. by organ, and strictly chronologically on the other, by a
list of major occurrences by weeks of gestational age.
# 2 Fertilization
When semen is deposited in the vagina, the spermatozoa
travel through the cervix and body of the uterus and into the Fallopian tubes.
Fertilization of the ovum (egg cell) usually takes place in the Fallopian tube.
Many sperm must cooperate to penetrate the thick protective shell-like barrier
that surrounds the ovum. The first sperm that penetrates fully into the egg
donates its genetic material (DNA). The egg then polarizes, repelling any
additional sperm. The resulting combination is called a zygote, a new and
genetically unique human organism. The term "conception" refers
variably to either fertilization or to formation of the conceptus after uterine
implantation, and this terminology is controversial.
Prior to fertilization, each ovum contains a complete human
genome, including a single (X) but no (Y) chromosome. Likewise, each
spermatozoon contains a complete set of autosomes and a single sex chromosome,
either (X) or (Y). The resulting human zygote is similar to the majority of
somatic cells because it contains two copies of the genome in a diploid set of
chromosomes. One set of chromosomes came from the nucleus of the ovum and the
second set from the nucleus of the sperm.
If the spermatozoon contributes a (Y) chromosome then the
zygote will develop as a male. Unlike the (X) chromosome, the (Y) chromosome
contains very little genetic information. However it does contain a gene,
(SRY), which will switch on androgen production at a later stage, leading to
the development of a male body type. In contrast, the mitochondrial genetic
information of the zygote comes entirely from the mother via the ovum.
# 3 Embryonic period
The embryonic period in humans begins at fertilization
(penetration of the egg by the sperm) and continues until the end of the tenth
week of gestation (eight week by embryonic age).
The embryo spends the next few days traveling down the Fallopian
tube. It starts out as a single cell zygote and then divides several times to
form a ball of cells called a morula. Further cellular division is accompanied
by the formation of a small cavity between the cells. This stage is called a
blastocyst. Up to this point there is no growth in the overall size of the
embryo, as it is confined within a glycoprotein shell, known as the zona
pellucida. Instead, each division produces successively smaller cells.
The blastocyst reaches the uterus at roughly the fifth day
after fertilization. It is here that lysis of the zona pellucida occurs. This
process is analogous to zona hatching, a term that refers to the emergence of
the blastocyst from the zona pellucida, when incubated in vitro. This allows
the trophectoderm cells of the blastocyst to come into contact with, and adhere
to, the endometrial cells of the uterus. The trophectoderm will eventually give
rise to extra-embryonic structures, such as the placenta and the membranes. The
embryo becomes embedded in the endometrium in a process called implantation. In
most successful pregnancies, the embryo implants eight to ten days after
ovulation (Wilcox et al. 1999). The embryo, the extra-embryonic membranes, and
the placenta are collectively referred to as a conceptus, or the "products
of conception".
Rapid growth occurs and the embryo's main external features
begin to take form. This process is called differentiation, which produces the
varied cell types (such as blood cells, kidney cells, and nerve cells). A
spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, in the first trimester of pregnancy is
usually due to major genetic mistakes or abnormalities in the developing
* 3.1 Changes by weeks of gestation
3.1.1 Gestational age vs.
embryonic age
Gestational age is the time that has passed since the onset
of the last menstruation, which generally or as standard occurs 2 weeks before
the actual fertilization. Embryonic age, in contrast measures the actual age of
the embryo or fetus from the time of fertilization. Nevertheless, menstruation
has historically been the only means of estimating embryonal/fetal age, and is
still the presumed measure if not else specified. However, the actual duration
between last menstruation and fertilization may in fact differ from the
standard 2 weeks by several days.
Thus, the first week of embryonic age is already week three
counting with gestational age.
Furthermore, the number of the week is one more than the
actual age of the embryo/fetus. For example, the embryo is 0 whole weeks old
during the 1st week after fertilization.
3.1.2 Week 1–2
Gestational age: 0 weeks and 0 days until to 1 week and 6
days old. 1–14 days from last menstruation.
Embryonic age: -2 to -1 weeks old. (Week 1–2 of gestational
age are theoretical extrapolations of embryonic age, since the fertilization
hasn't actually occurred yet.)
3.1.3 Week 3
Gestational age: 2 weeks and 0 days until 2 weeks and 6
days old. 15–21 days from last menstruation.
Embryonic age: Week near 1. 0 (whole) weeks old. 1–7 days
from fertilization.
3.1.4 Week 4
Gestational age: 3 weeks and 0 days until 3 weeks and 6
days old. 22–28 days from last menstruation.
Embryonic age: Week near 2. 1 week old. 8–14 days from
3.1.5 Week 5
Gestational age: 4 weeks and 0 days until 4 weeks and 6
days old. 29–35 days from last menstruation.
Embryonic age: Week near 3. 2 weeks old. 15–21 days from
3.1.6 Week 6
Gestational age: 5 weeks and 0 days until 5 weeks and 6
days old. 36–42 days from last menstruation.
Embryonic age: Week near 4. 3 weeks old. 22–28 days from
3.1.7 Week 7
Gestational age: 6 weeks and 0 days until 6 weeks and 6
days old. 43–49 days from last menstruation.
Embryonic age: Week near 5. 4 weeks old. 29–35 days from
3.1.8 Week 8
Gestational age: 7 weeks and 0 days until 7 weeks and 6
days old. 50–56 days from last menstruation.
Embryonic age: Week nr 6. 5 weeks old. 36–42 days from
3.1.9 Week 9
Gestational age: 8 weeks and 0 days until 8 weeks and 6
days old. 57–63 days from last menstruation.
Embryonic age: Week nr 7. 6 weeks old. 43–49 days from
Prenatal developmental stages according to Islam
According to the Islamic perspective, human life has begun
at the time before birth. Human beings have a soul that has lived before his
birth in the world. The human soul is breathed into angels for physical human
when he conceived his mother.
According to Islamic psychology of the semen would be a clot of blood, then blood clot will be a piece of flesh, and then from a lump of flesh will be made in the bones and will be wrapped in bacon. Then form a human has looked. That humans have evolved since before birth (still in the womb) or commonly called the prenatal period. The development was governed by God in such a way through the stages quite complicated, Blessed is He who created man in the best form. The stages in question are germinal stage, embryonic, and fetal. In each stage, the man had a very orderly process of development. In fact all of them have been mentioned in the Qur'an and hadith the Prophet in detail.
According to Islamic psychology of the semen would be a clot of blood, then blood clot will be a piece of flesh, and then from a lump of flesh will be made in the bones and will be wrapped in bacon. Then form a human has looked. That humans have evolved since before birth (still in the womb) or commonly called the prenatal period. The development was governed by God in such a way through the stages quite complicated, Blessed is He who created man in the best form. The stages in question are germinal stage, embryonic, and fetal. In each stage, the man had a very orderly process of development. In fact all of them have been mentioned in the Qur'an and hadith the Prophet in detail.
Among the developments are very important in human life in
the womb is maternal (pre-natal). Pre-natal period is due after the baby is
born the compound that lasts about 266 days or 280 days after the compounds of
the first period of the last before someone pregnant. What is meant here is the
process by which compounds the sperm and ovum unite to form a single cell
called a zygote.
(1) Prenatal period
Prenatal period (pre natal period) begins at
fertilization (conception) and ends at birth (approximately 38 weeks). During prenatal development, man has developed very fast in his life. Currently, scientists divide
the prenatal development (stages of embryonic
development) is divided into
three main periods: 1) the germinal stage (from conception to two weeks), 2) the embryonic
stage (two to eight weeks), and 3) fetal stage (two to nine months ).
In one of the verses of the Quran described that God puts babies weak at the
beginning of its development in a place that is safe and sturdy (13:سُوْرَةْْ اَلْمُؤْمِنُوْنْ )
ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَهُ نُطْفَةً فِىْ
Explanation of the meaning: "Then we placed him semen (stored) in a solid (womb)."
Babies in the belly of the mother can be said to be
in a safe and sturdy,
allowing it to grow in relative safe
from attacks outside world, the food intake of the mother fulfilled. The
definition of a safe and sturdy place earlier is the womb (uterus). The uterus is a muscular space and strong weighing
about 50 grams. This structure is not sufficient for a developing baby. Thus, the structure of the
uterus will undergo changes during pregnancy. Size of the uterus will grow gradually increased to
1100 grams
at the end of pregnancy.
In many verses, the Qur'an also has detailed stages of development in the mother's womb (12 , 13, 14:سُوْرَةْْ اَلْمُؤْمِنُوْن ْ ):
خَلَقْنَا الإِنْسَنَ مِنْ سُلَلَةٍ مِّنْ طِيْنٍ, ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَهُ نُطْفَةً فِىْ
قَرَارٍمَّكِيْنٍ, ثُمَّ خَلَقْنَا
النٌّطْفَةَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْعَلَقَةَ مُضْغَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْمُضْغَةَ
عِظَمًا فَكَسَوْنَا الْعِظَمَ لَحْمًا ثُمَّ أَنْشَأْ نَهُ خَلَقًا ءَاخَرَا
فَتَبَرَكَ اللهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَلِقِيْنَ".
Explanation of the meaning: "And Verily we have created man from a quintessence (derived) from the ground, then we placed him semen (stored) in a solid (womb). Then cum We gave blood clot, then a blood clot
a lump of flesh that we make, and we make it a piece of flesh bones, then we wrap the bones with
flesh. then we gave him a
creature (form) else. So it be to almighty God, the creator of the best. "
(2) Development prenatal phase
Pre-embryonic is the beginning of human life. This process
begins when the sperm penetrates the egg in the fertilization process, which
normally occurs due to sexual relations between men and women. At this stage
the zygote is formed.
There is a hadith that discuss the creation process at
this stage, for example when the Prophet was asked by a Jew,"From the material
is man created?" He answered, "O Jew, each man in made from the semen
of men (النطفة) and (النطفة) female semen." (Hadith History of Ahmad).
Zygotes formed from a mixture of sperm and egg
("droplets mixed"). The fertilized egg, or zygote, moves down the
fallopian tube to the uterus. This movement takes over four days. During this movement,
originally in the form of a single zygote cell, through a process of mitosis
divides into two identical cells. This cleavage occurs about every 30 hours. In
the process of this division, the baby is still called blastocyte (blastula),
which consists of 100 cells. The outside blastocyte will become the placenta,
while the inside will become the embryo.
In the second week, the baby made up of about 150 cells.
Placenta begins to form, part of the cell condenses and developed into three
layers called the embryonic disc (embryonic disc), which consists of a layer of
ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. In the process of differentiation, the cells
in each layer develop into tissues and organs. The cells of the outer layer
(ectoderm or ectoblast) forming the brain, spine, sense of touch, and the lens.
embryo phase
The next stage of development is called the embryo stage, lasted five and a half weeks. Embryonic stage begins
when the zygote has been well embedded in the uterine wall. In this stage, the baby's system and organs begin to
form the basis of the arrangement of the cells. Although the outer
shape is much different than human adults, several forms such as the eyes and the hands, ears and legs even be
The Qur'an also discusses the process of embryological development stage by stage in this period. According to the Qur'an النطفة droplets would then develop into العلقة, such as the
following (38,39:سُوْرَةْْ
اَلْقِيَامَةْ ) :
كَانَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقَ فَسَوَّى, لإَجَعَلَ مِنْهُ الزَّ وْ جَيْنِ الذِّكْرَ."
Explanation of the meaning: "semen then it becomes
a clot of blood, then God created it, and refine it, then God made thereof a
pair: male and female."
As the leeches suck the blood to the skin, clusters of
cells (embryonic) humans to suck blood from the wall of the uterus
(endometrium) become pregnant. Countless 23-24 day-old embryo act like leeches
before. Embryos at this stage can only be seen with a microscope. After that,
just at the beginning of the fourth week, the embryo can be seen by the naked
Tues throphoblast the outer layer of the cell clusters did
secretion of an enzyme called hyaluronidase. These enzymes will destroy the
acid mantle (hyaluronic acid) in the uterine lining tissue. Tues throphoblast
also responsible in forming the placenta as a buffer between the embryo and the
mother's blood. Among the placenta and the baby are the three blood vessels in
its development will be similar to a long rope called the umbilical cord
(umbilical cord). One is called the umbilical vein vessel that functions to
transport blood containing nutrients and oxygen from the placenta to the baby.
Two other channels are called umbilical artery helpful to do that contain blood
transport and disposal of carbon dioxide generated by the food from the baby to
the placenta.
At the beginning of the third week, the human embryo looks like a "piece of meat" wrapped, which continues to perform division for further developments. At the end of the fourth week, starting to look like the expansion of the dental mold, which will develop into the organs and limbs are complete. If we follow the development of the embryo, we find after four weeks, the differentiation process is taking place in which a group of cells in the embryo transform itself into a form specific organ bigger. One of the earliest structures formed in this stage is the cartilaginous bones which form the basis of human skeleton (in a few months later cartilage hardened and strengthened). This was followed by the emergence of the embryo organs, including muscles, ears, eyes, kidneys, heart, and others.
At the beginning of the third week, the human embryo looks like a "piece of meat" wrapped, which continues to perform division for further developments. At the end of the fourth week, starting to look like the expansion of the dental mold, which will develop into the organs and limbs are complete. If we follow the development of the embryo, we find after four weeks, the differentiation process is taking place in which a group of cells in the embryo transform itself into a form specific organ bigger. One of the earliest structures formed in this stage is the cartilaginous bones which form the basis of human skeleton (in a few months later cartilage hardened and strengthened). This was followed by the emergence of the embryo organs, including muscles, ears, eyes, kidneys, heart, and others.
Embryonic period is usually considered to be a critical
time because of physical shape as it can be interrupted by a booming
unfavorable conditions in the prenatal environment.
(4) Fetal phase
Entering the third stage of pregnancy, the embryo is fetal. This
stage lasts about 30 weeks, starting from the eighth week of pregnancy and
ended up at birth. In this stage, the face, hands, and feet begin to look
different fetus and the fetus appears in human form. In addition, the brain has
also been formed, and began to become more complex in recent months.
In the early weeks of this fetal stage
of development, most of the major organs and tissues have been established.
Face shape has been well established. Ear hole began to form. The development
of the eye also looks almost full, despite lining eyes still closed and will
not open until the 28th week. Hands, arms, legs, thighs and fingers have fully
formed. Fetus can form a fist from his fingers. Nails teeth begin to form and
will begin to develop in the mouth meat, the heart has almost fully developed,
and have been able to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler machine. Red blood
cells are being produced in the liver. Testosterone (male sex hormones) have
been produced in the testes in male fetuses.
Only in the second trimester (weeks
13-16), the brain has full develop. Fetus can suck, chew, and making breathing
sound is not regular. Fetus has also been able to feel pain. Fetal skin is
still transparent. Elongated muscle tissue and bones stronger. Liver and other
organ produces fluid required. Eyebrows and eye lines appear. Fetus is very
actively engaged, including kicks and even somersaults.
At twenty weeks, the baby's movement
has typically can be felt on the mother's abdomen. Fingernails and toes have
appeared. Lanugo, baby fuzz cover the entire body. Fetus can hear and recognize
the mother's voice. The genitals can be seen using ultrasound.
In the third trimester protective waxy
substance called vernix covering the skin. At birth, vernix generally will be
lost and the rest will absorbed quickly. Fetus has initiated reflex shocked at
hand. Fingerprints on the feet and hands began to form. Fetus began practicing
breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid in her lungs are developing.
At 25 to 28 weeks of rapid brain
development occurs and the nervous system is able to control bodily functions.
Eyelids fetus can open and close. At week 29 to 32, increase the amount of fat
contained in the body of the fetus. Respiratory rhythm has occurred, but the
immature lungs. Fetus sleep 90-95% every day.
At around week 38 or to 40, fetuses
are old enough. Lanugo begins to lose except on the upper arms and shoulders.
Baby's hair when it starts to thicken. The lungs are mature. The average weight
of babies at birth of about 2.5 - 3.5 kg. At birth the placenta attached to the
uterus and the umbilical cord will be cut so the first time the baby breathe of
air. Breathing will trigger the heart and arteries work push the blood through
the lungs.
According to the Islamic perspective,
has also begun destined determined when humans are still in the process of
pregnancy. Hadith illustrates that God sent an angel to take care of the
development mailing embryo accompanied by God's providence embryos. For
"God represents an angel in the womb. Then the angel said, "O God, if this النطفة (developing)? O God, if this العلقة (developing)? O God, if this المضغة (developing)? If God willed the creation of embryos, the angel again said, "O my Lord, is it male or female? As the wretched or happy? And when death arrives? "Then all of the provisions that will be written from inside the mother's belly." (Hadith Bukhari history).
(5) Environmental factors that affect pregnancy.
Environment can
affect the pregnancy. The
Qur'an states that the external
factor is a factor that
can affect the pregnancy. This is evident from the verse that tells the death of
the entire content of the
mother's womb, because the tremendous upheavals experienced on the Day of Judgment, which is an external factor. In the following
paragraph stated (سُوْرَةْْ اَلْحَجَْ:2 ) :
"يَوْمَ تَرَوْنَهَا تَذْ هَلُ كُلُّ مُرْضِعَةٍ عَمَّا أَرْضَعَتْ
وَتَضَعُ كُلٌّ ذَاتِ حَمْلٍ حَمْلَهَا وَتَرَى وَمَا هُمْ بِسُكَرَى وَلَكِنَّ
عَذَابَ اللهِ شَد ِيْدٌ."
Explanation of the meaning (سُوْرَةْْ اَلْحَجَْ:2 ) : "(Remember) the day (when) you see the shock, neglecting all women who breastfeed their children from child content of any breastfeeding and killed a pregnant woman, and you see people drunk, when in
fact they were not drunk, but Wrath of God it's very hard. "
Various external factors can
not only bring a miscarriage, but also the
imperfections of the baby's
mother. Scientific research indicates that external or environmental factors may influence the
development of pre-natal and birth process, although
at the moment, about 95% of
infants born to normal. External agents that
can affect this called teratogen. Teratogen is any viruses, drugs, chemicals, radiation or other environmental
agents that can harm the development of the embryo or fetus to cause physical
damage, severe growth retardation, blindness,
brain damage, and even death.
and my views on reproductive health education (sex education) for children
a) Why need sex education?
Children and adolescents
are vulnerable to misinformation about sex. If
you do not get sex education should, they will consumed myths about sex that is
not true. Information
about sex should be obtained directly from parents with special attention to
their children.
The survey agency
coordinating the national family planning in Indonesia showed that more than 60
percent of adolescents in Indonesia have premarital sex. The
figures are quite alarming in the country uphold moral values in respect of sex. Why they could
have sex before marriage? The
reason for the lack of sex education to children and adolescents. When sex education can
begin to do?
b) When sex education begins?
Some parents often answer
sex questions with short answers: "Wait you're great!". Actually
the best time providing sex education is early! Sex education
begins even since the child was a toddler.
If we delay giving sex
education when your child starts a teenager, then it's already too late. Because
in an age where information is readily available from the Internet and peers,
the teen-age children when they have to know more about sex and most likely
from the wrong perspective.
c) How sex education provided?
Here are some steps age
and how to provide sex education in accordance with the age of the child:
Toddlers ages 1-5 years
At this age, we can begin to instill sex education. Quite
easy, is to start introducing your child to the sex organs of his brief. No
need to give a detailed explanation for the child attention span is usually
For example, when bathing the child, we can tell the
various organs of the child's body, such as hair, head, arms, legs, stomach,
and do not forget the penis and the vagina or vulva. Then
explain differences in genitalia of the opposite sex, for example, if your
child has a younger brother of the opposite sex.
In addition, also emphasize that the genitals should not
be displayed in vain, and also explain if there is a touch unnoticed parent,
then the child should scream and reporting to parents. Thus,
our children can be protected against the rampant sexual violence and sexual
abuse against children.
(2). Age 3-10 years
At this age, children usually begin to actively ask about
sex. For
example, children will ask where it came from. Or general
questions such as how the origin of babies. The
answers are simple and straightforward usually effective.
(a). Example # 1:
""Babies come
from?" we can
answer from the mother's abdomen. Or
you can show me a woman who is pregnant and showing the location of the baby in
the mother's abdomen.
(b). Example # 2:
"How does the baby come out of your tummy?" we
can answer the baby out of the vagina or vulva hole to get out of the mother's
(c). Example # 3:
"Why does the baby get in your belly?" we
can answer that the baby in the mother's abdomen because there are seeds given
by the father to the mother. The
trick is the father put the seed using the penis and the vagina of the mother. That's
called sexual intercourse, and it should only be done by men and women who had
been married.
(3). Age was a teenager
When a child is growing, it's time you started to explain
about menstruation, wet dreams, as well as the physical changes that happen to
a teenager. You
could explain that the little girl will experience breast changes shape, or
explain the existence of growing feathers around his genitals.
(4). Teens
At this time, a teenager will experience many changes
sexually. We
need more intensive instill good moral values to him. Give
an explanation of the loss of such free sex transmitted diseases and the
emotional consequences.
According to research, sex education early will avoid
pregnancy outside marriage as children grow into adolescence and adulthood
later. No
need to talk about sex within the family taboo. Because
children need to get the right information from their parents, not from other
people about sex.
Because a great curiosity, if the child is not given sex
education, then the child will seek answers from others, and it would be scary
if sex information obtained from peers or the Internet the information could be
Therefore, protect your children from an early age to
provide them with education about sex in an appropriate manner.
My thinking about the issue of
character education in Indonesia
"Character education"
is not new in Indonesia's national education system. However,
Indonesia's education re-enlivened by the ministry of national education
Old story in Indonesia's national education saying that
"change minister, then change the curriculum or change the policy,"
implies at least two things. First,
the issue of education will always be associated with the political or national
education policy, so between education and politics are always related very
strongly. Secondly,
there is a simplification of the assumption that the issue of education as only
a matter or matters curricular curriculum of formal education institutions.
As an aspect of the personality, the character is a
reflection of the whole of one's personality: the mentality, attitude and
behavior. Character
education is more appropriate as a kind of character education. Learning
about manners, manners, and customs, making this kind of character education is
more about the actual behavior of how a person's personality can be called good
or bad based on the norms that are contextual and cultural.
How does the ideal of character education? From
the simple explanation above, character education should include aspects of the
formation of the personality dimension includes universal virtues and cultural
awareness in which the norms of life is to grow and develop. In
summary, character education can make an individual capable of transcendental
consciousness embodied in constructive behavior based on the context of life in
which it is located: Has global consciousness, but is able to act according to
the local context.
Notes experience:
Formation of character through a number of
citizens in the past by upgrading most
circles is considered failed, because in practice tends indoctrination, build "pseudo loyalty" to
support the existing regime of power, lack of ideals,
less build meaningful learning (meaningful learning).
b. Character
education is a life-long education, so there is a chain starting
from the family, community and
school (college). It is suggested that the formation of personality solely the responsibility of formal educational institutions.
c. In the educational arena,
universities seem merely academic or
professional competence building alone, which
only leads to the
acquisition of knowledge of graduate
and / or specific
technical expertise, so how the
formation of values / personality for the acquisition of knowledge and expertise that is
often overlooked relative
. Not infrequently the assessment of the high Academic
Performance Index of a graduate, not a guarantee that such individuals describe the actual performance.
Thus my thinking to solve problems
of character education in Indonesia, that is:
"Keep in deepening the concept (philosophical or theoretical) about the importance of character education, as well as the effectiveness of the methodology and instruments of character education and its sustainability in the future. At a minimum, post-educational character of the participants are still consistent to behave as expectations of college scholars, conscience and independent. On the other hand, character education is expected to be boosters studies personality development courses that already exist, so the expectation that college graduates have a good character really a motivation for each study program to develop the personality of students and alumni identity. In the long run, it should also be considered to be no longer the character education as a curricular program that became part of the credit system of the semester to graduate as someone who has taken graduate program, but as a character education program of action developed through the character of the campus culture in line with the vision and educational mission.”
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