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Selasa, 04 Desember 2012


Mic. Doc

(Middle Semester of Take Home)

Subjects               : Educational Supervision
Concentration      : PPI (semester III)
Lecturer               : Prof. Dr. Hj. Mintarsih Danumihardja, M.Pd.
Day / Date           : Friday. November 2012
Year                     : 20012/2013

Answer gathered early December

1.      Explain the meaning, purpose, role and scope of educational supervision!
2.      The school principal as a leader has the task as an administrator and supervisor. Explain the difference in the principal role as an administrator and as a supervisor!
3.      Why educational institutions, especially in improving the quality of teaching needs to be supervised!
4.      Describe the teacher as a professional supervisor must demonstrate the following characteristics:
a. Describe the topics taught well
b. Explained clearly and logically
c. Delivering the material in a systematic
d. Has the ability of self-expression
e. Have the ability to raise students' motivation
f. Having the ability to plan the learning program (PLP)
                  5.   Explain that management education is an innovation that will implement the integrated   
                        quality management!



1.      Definition, purpose, role and scope of educational supervision.
a. Understanding educational supervision
1)      in etymology
In terms of etymology, supervision is taken from the word:
(a)    super mean to have certain advantages such as being in a position, rank and quality.
(b)   vision means seeing or watching.

2)      in terminology
While in terms of terminology, there are several definitions of some of the definitions that eventually it can be concluded that the supervision of education is a planned development activities to help teachers and other school officials in performing their job correctly.

b. The purpose of education supervision

1)      General Purpose
The purpose of supervision consistent with the goals of education, both general purpose and goals of national education. Thus, a supervisor does have a lot of knowledge and experience of the people who its supervised, for the purpose of education in schools also about the purpose of education in general.
A supervisor does not work in a vacuum, it must always be alert to far ahead of what it was doing. Guru is spearheading the school in carrying out its mission which if bent spear educational purposes will certainly miss the set.

2)      Special Purpose (operational)
(a)    Helping teachers to better understand / realize the goals of education in schools in an effort to achieve educational goals.
(b)   Helping teachers to make them more aware and understood with needed and problems faced by students.
(c)    Assist teachers hold critical diagnosis, and difficulty teaching and students' learning and to help them plan improvements
(d)   Enlarge awareness teachers to democratic governance and cooperative work as well as increase the willingness to please help
(e)    Helping teachers improve classroom performance upfront
(f)    Helping teachers to better utilize his own experiences
(g)   Introduce the new employee to the teacher or school conditions and profession
(h)   Protects teachers from all claims beyond the ability and authority, both the demands from inside and from outside school
(i)     To assist teachers in using the tools of modern subjects.
(j)     To assist teachers in assessing progress in a timely
(k)   Assist teachers utilize learning resources and learning experiences students

c. The scope of educational supervision
Sarwoto (1985: 104) explains that theoretically are the object of supervision there are two aspects:
a)      Aspects of human
Such an attitude toward the task, work discipline, morale, honesty, obedience to organizational rules, crafts, work skills, ability to work together, character;
b)      Aspects of activities
As a way to work (teaching), a method approach to students, work efficiency, and performance.

2.      The difference in the principal's role as an administrator and as an supervisor, that is:

a)      The principal as administrator
The school principal administrator responsible for the smooth implementation of education and teaching in the school.
This includes all school activities, such as teaching and learning process, student affairs, personnel, facilities, administration and finance, and manage relationships with the school community.
In addition, the principal is responsible for the condition of the school environment., Namely:
(1)   Set the learning process.
(2)   Set the administrative office
(3)   Set the student administration
(4)   Set the civil administration
(5)   Set the administrative equipment
(6)   Setting financial administration
(7)   Set the library administration
(8)   Set the administrative guidance of students
(9)   Set the administrative relationship with the public school

b)      The principal as supervisor
Principal as supervisor meant that its had to researching, finding and determining which conditions are necessary for the progress of the school.
Principals should be able to examine the conditions which have existed and provided for, and which there is no or less optimally., Such as:

(1)   To examine the situation, ie
(a)    What is the state of school buildings? It's good and qualified or is damaged? How to repair?
(b)   Is the school equipment and learning tools to meet the requirements of philosophical, psychological and didactic? If not what is the lack of? How to inadequate?
(c)    How are teachers, too many women / too much time teachers from the teacher anyway? if possible effort to maintain the best possible circumstances?
(d)   How the learning and education of children? seeing progress / improvement of every three months or every semester from year to year?
(e)    What is the attitude and sense of responsibility of teachers to participate in the development and progress of the school? Is there an attitude and leadership qualities that are less appropriate school affect school life in general?

(2)   The principles to be considered by the principal as a supervisor in carrying out its duties, namely:
(a)    should be constructive and creative.
(b)   should always take into account the abilities, attitudes and possible prejudices school between teachers and school employee
(c)    should be based on professional relationships, not on the basis of personal relationships.
(d)   Supervision should not expect results too quickly and can not be quickly disappointed.
(e)    Supervision of non-urgent (authoritarian).
(f)    Supervision should not be looking for mistakes and shortcomings.
(g)   Supervision should be based on real and actual circumstances.
(h)   Supervision should be simple and informal in its implementation.
(i)     Supervision should also be preventive, corrective and cooperative.

(3)   Factors that affect the outcome of supervision (as the principal):
(a)    The environment in which the school is located.
(b)   The size of the school is the responsibility of the principal.
(c)    The level and type of school.
(d)   The state teachers and employees are available.
(e)    Skills and expertise of the principal itself

3.      Educational institutions, especially in improving the quality of teaching needs to be supervised.

Because according to the decision of minister of education and culture 0134/0/1977 number (of Indonesia), including the supervisor in the education category is the principal, penilik sekolah and improved supervisors district / municipality, as well as staff in the field offices in each province.
Basically, the principal is the principal task of assessing and fostering the organization of learning in schools. In other words, one of the principal tasks as coaching making provide direction, for example in the learning process in schools.
Means that the principal is the supervisor in charge of carrying out supervised learning. It is described in:
(a)    Willes (1975), said in the aim to maintain or make changes operational school, by teachers power directly to enhance student learning. Supervision only deal directly with the teachers, but the students in the learning process related
(b)   Ross L (1980), defines that supervision is to service teachers who aim to produce improved teaching, learning and curriculum.
(c)    Purwanto (1987), supervision, coaching is an activity designed to help teachers and school officials to do the job effectively.

In accordance with the definition above, it can be concluded that activity in the supervisory learning as follows:
(a)    generate and stimulate the spirit of the teachers carry out their
duties, especially in learning.
(b)   to develop teaching and learning activities.
(c)    construction effort in learning

4.      As a professional supervisor must demonstrate the following characteristics:

a)      Describe the topics taught well
Helps teachers organize critical diagnosis, and the difficulties of teaching and students' learning and help them to plan improvements
This objective will be realized especially when teachers have found the subject matter, whether it comes from itself or from pupils, and when teachers have found the subject matter he should be able to properly plan the improvement of teaching (remedial teaching).

b)      Explain clearly and logically
Reality on the ground, there are many teachers who are fixated on routine tasks, ie teaching from hour to hour and from class with another class, without realizing that what he did was a big part of the goal, where the subjects only as a tool.
Many teachers just put a job short-term goals, but far in front of her larger goal, namely the achievement of educational goals. For example, if the teacher knows what the purpose of teaching grammar to children's lives?

c)      Presenting material in a systematic
Appearances teaching is not merely determined by the mastery of the material, but if the teacher has mastered the material is the capital of the first, but not a few teachers who have capital but can not develop it, because he does not know how to spend it, let alone excessive teacher in presenting the material (materials), he would sink into the material.
Teachers who like this often seems chaotic in the classroom, because it preoccupied with himself, while the students did not know what to watch and learn.

d)     Have the ability of self-expression
Helps teachers to better utilize self expression / his own experiences.
Experience is the most valuable teacher, and will be a very valuable thing when teachers are made aware of the experiences themselves provide a very wise guidance in solving problems in the classroom teaching, especially teachers who have been teaching a long time, certainly had a lot of experience that can be chosen to address the issue new. For example, teachers who experienced the naughty student, will be soft to confront misbehaving students, because he (the teacher) already know the problems being faced by children who are naughty (in finding a solution).

e)      Having the ability to raise students' motivation
Helping teachers to make them more aware of and understand the needs and problems faced by students.
Classical system does have flaws, but it is not a barrier or reason teachers can not do much for their students. For example, the ability to generalize the students in one class, ignoring the constraints of a personal nature.
Children at school age, especially in Indonesia face many problems, both from himself and from his family and the environment, so they need special attention, because otherwise the teacher will assume the students stupid, but that does not matter

f)       Have the ability to plan the learning program (PLP)
This means that teachers must be able to perform precise measurements, so that he can improve the progress of the learning program. Because knowing that teachers can judge for itself, and will be able to provide objective value to the students, thus learning progress can be achieved effectively and efficiently.

5.      Management in education is an innovation that will implement an integrated quality management.

Today the development of the school of management thought lead management system called TQM (Total Quality Management) or Total Quality Management. In principle, this management system is comprehensive supervision of all members of the organization (the school) for school activities. The application of TQM means all citizens are responsible for the quality of school education.
Until that is achieved, then all parties involved in the academic process, starting from the school committee, principals, heads of administration, teachers, students up to the employees - should fully understand the nature and purpose of education. In other words, each individual involved must understand what the purpose of education. Without understanding
In the teachings of TQM, educational institutions (schools) should place students as "clients" or in terms of the company as "stakeholders" the greatest, the voice students must be included in any strategic decision making steps school organization. Without a democratic atmosphere that management is not able to implement TQM, it is the quality of education is dominated by party - certain parties that often have interests that intersect with the nature of education (Adnan Sandy Setiawan: 2000),
The application of TQM also means the freedom to argue. Freedom of speech will create a climate of dialogue between students and teachers, between students and the school principal, the teachers and principals, in a nutshell is the freedom and openness of the whole school community. Transfer of knowledge is no longer one-way communication, but a two way communication. It deals with the academic culture.
In addition there should be freedom of speech is also the freedom of information. There should be clear information about the direction of school organization, both internally as well as national organizations. Internally, management should provide information as possible to the school. Included in the direction of the organization is programs, and financial condition.
In short, TQM is a management systems that upholds efficiency. System management is to minimize the bureaucratic process. Bureaucratic school systems would hamper growth potential school itself.
For this reason the management education is an innovation that will implement an integrated quality management.


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