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Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012
Design Evaluation
A. Background
Law number 20 national education system of 2003 article 11
paragraph 1 of mandates to the Indonesia government and local authorities to
ensure the implementation of quality education (quality) for every citizen. The
realization of quality education requires a continuous effort to always improve
the quality of education. Efforts to improve the quality of education requires
improving the quality of learning (instructional quality) because the estuary
of the various educational programs is the implementation of a quality learning
program. Therefore, efforts to improve the quality of education will not be achieved
without improving the quality of learning.
In human resource management, there are several basic functions,
and the evaluation function is one of them, in addition to planning, organizing
and execution. Evaluation of the program as one of the human resource
development strategy requires the evaluation function to determine the
effectiveness of the program. In general, people assume that the evaluation of
the program was held at the end of execution. Thus is assumption is not
appropriate, because the evaluation is one link in the system, which when
viewed from the time of implementation of assessment activities can be the
beginning of the planning process, in the middle of the implementation process,
and at the end of the administration. Assessment carried out in the planning
process called the analyst needs (needs assessment) are trying to collect
information on the capabilities, skills and expertise that will be developed in
the process, participant characteristics, material quality views of the relevance
and renewal, competence of trainers / instructors / teachers, where along with
the required infrastructure, accommodation and meals for program activities.
Assessments conducted during the monitoring process called that aims to collect
information neighbor extent to which the program has been developed to be
implemented properly. In this monitoring activity sought to assess the quality
of the training process, both from the aspect of performance, instructors,
classroom climate, attitudes and motivation to learn or practice for the
participants. While the post-program assessment aims to determine the change in
the performance of the participants after returning to the place his / learning
Improving the quality of learning requires improving the quality of
learning programs because of the nature of the overall quality of teaching is a
quality of implementation of learning programs that have been designed before.
Efforts to improve the quality of learning programs requires information on
evaluation of the quality of previous learning programs. Thus, in order to
reform education program which includes learning program evaluations have
programs that are currently running or have previously done well. To be able to
formulate a better program, the results of the previous evaluation is a
reference that can not be abandoned.
B. Basic Concepts Evaluation
There are three terms that are often used in the evaluation, the
test, measurement and assessment (test, measurement, assessment).
Test is one way to assess the magnitude of one's ability is not a
direct, through an individual's response to the stimulus or questions. (Djemari
Mardapi, 2008: 67).
is one of the tools to do the measurement, which is a tool for gathering
information characteristics of an object. These objects form peseta Traffic
students, attitudes, interests, and motivations. Response test participants to
describe the ability of a number of questions in a particular field. Test is
the narrowest part of the evaluation. Measurement (measurement) can be defined
as the process by roomates information about the attribute or characteristic of
thing are determined and differentiated. (Oriondo, Oriondo, LL & Antonio,
EMD, 1998: 2)
defines measurement by "assigning numbers to, or quantifying, Things
According to a set of rules." (Griffin, P. & Nix, 1991.: 3)
measurement is expressed as a process of determining the number of individuals
or characteristics according to certain rules. (Ebel, R.L. & Frisbie,
D.A.1986: 14)
& Yen defines measurement as imposing figure in a systematic way to express
individual circumstances. (Djemari Mardapi, 2000: 1)
the essence of the measurement is the quantification or determination of the
number of individual characteristics or circumstances in accordance with
certain rules. Individual circumstances can be cognitive, affective and
psychomotor. Measurements have a broader concept of the test, such as
observation, rating scales or other means to obtain quantitative information in
the form.
Assessment (assessment) has a different meaning to the evaluation.
(Popham, WJ 1995. Allyn and Bacon, LL & Antonio, EM. 1998: 3) defines
assessment in the context of education as a formal attempt to determine the
status of students with respect to various educational purposes. Boyer &
Ewel, defining as assessment process that provides information about individual
students, the curriculum or program, the institution or everything related to
institutions system ("process that provide information about individual
students, about curriculum or programs, about institutions, or about entire
systems of institutions. (Stark, JS & Thomas, A., Simon & Schuster,
1994: 46).
on the above it can be concluded that the assessment or assessment can be
defined as the activity of interpreting the data presented.
Evaluation has a different meaning to the assessment, measurement
and test:
to Stufflebeam and Shinkfied states that: Evaluation is the process of
delineating, obtaining, and providing descriptive and judgmental information
about the worth and merit of some object's goals, design, implementation, and
impact in order to guided decision making, serve needs for accountability, and
promote understanding of the phenomena involved (Stark, JS & Thomas, A.,
Simon & Schuster 1994: 159).
Study Committee on Evaluation (National Study Committee on Evaluation) from
UCLA, stated that: Evaluation is the process of ascertaining the decision of
concern, selecting appropriate information, and collecting and analyzing
information in order to report summary data useful to decision makers in
selecting among alternatives. Which means that: Evaluation that is a process or
activity, election, collection, analysis and presentation of information
appropriate to determine the extent to which the program objectives,
procedures, product, or strategy that has been achieved, making it useful for
decision making and to determine some alternative decision to the next program.
According to the formulation of the above, the core of the evaluation is a
systematic and sustainable process to collect, describe, interpret and present
the information to be used as a basis to make decisions or to develop policy.
purpose of evaluation is to obtain an accurate and objective information about
a program. Such information may include the implementation of the program, the
impact of the results achieved, efficiency and utilization of evaluation
focused on the program itself, which is to make a decision: whether continued,
amended or terminated. It is also used for the purpose of preparation of the
next program and policy development related to the program.
C. This type of evaluation based on purpose, distinguished by:
of diagnostic
Evaluation of the diagnostic evaluation is intended to assess students' weaknesses and its contributing factors.
Evaluation of the diagnostic evaluation is intended to assess students' weaknesses and its contributing factors.
of selective
evaluation is an evaluation that is used to select the most appropriate
students in accordance with the criteria specified activity program.
of placement
evaluation is an evaluation that is used to place students in certain
educational programs in accordance with the characteristics of student.
evaluation is evaluation carried out to improve and enhance the teaching and
learning process.
evaluation is conducted to determine the evaluation and advancement of student
learning outcomes.
D. This type of evaluation by target, divided into:
of context
The evaluation
is intended to measure the context of good programs on rational purpose,
background programs, and the needs that arise in the planning.
of input
The evaluation
aimed to determine the input, both in terms of resources and the strategies
used to achieve the goal.
of process
Evaluate which
aimed to look at the process of implementation, both the audit process,
compliance with the plan, supporting factors and obstacles that arise in the
implementation process, and the like.
of the outcome or product
The evaluation
aimed to look at the results achieved by the program as a basis for determining
the final decision (to be repaired or modified, enhanced, or terminated).
of outcomes or graduate
The evaluation
aimed to see more student learning outcomes, ie the evaluation of graduates
after plunging into the community.
E. Models of training evaluation (training evaluation model)
There are many evaluation model developed by experts to be used in
evaluating the program. Such are:
Model (Stufflebeam's Daniel)
The concept of the model evaluation CIPP (Context, Input, Process
and Product) was introduced by Daniel Stufflebeam in 1965. In the education
sector education system classifies Stufflebeam on 4 dimensions, namely Context,
Input, Process and Product or shortened to CIPP. Nana Sudjana & Ibrahim
(2004: 246) translate each of these dimensions with the following meanings:
Situation or
background influence the type of educational objectives and strategies that
will be developed in the system in question, such as the perceived problems of
education, the state of the economy, a view of life.
Facilities /
capital / materials and set strategic plans to achieve educational goals
strategies and the use of facilities / capital / materials in the concrete
activities on the ground.
achieved both during and at the end of the development of the education system
is concerned.
Evaluation Model
Brinkerhoff divides composition as follows:
vs. Emergent Design Evaluation
The design is
fixed (fixed) set of systematic and planned before implementation is done. The
design was developed based on program objectives with a set of questions that
will be answered with the information that will be obtained from certain
Evaluation vs Summative Evaluation
evaluation is used to obtain information that can help improve the program.
Formative evaluations conducted during the implementation of the program is
running. The focus of the evaluation revolves around the needs of the employee
or the formulated by now. While summative evaluation conducted to assess the
merits of a particular program will be continued or terminated. In summative
evaluation focused on the variables that are considered important to the
sponsor program and the decision makers.
and Quasi-Experimental Design vs Natural / Unotrusive
Some evaluation
using classical methodology. In this case study subjects randomized, the
treatment given and the measurement of the impact made. The purpose of this
study to assess the benefits of a program is tested.
evaluation model
According to Kirkpatrick model are:
This evaluation
focuses on participants' reactions meaningful measure participant satisfaction
(costumer of satisfaction) in other words, the program is considered effective
if the process tasted pleasing and satisfying program participants, thus
nominally interested in learning motivated and well trained.
of Learn
According to
Kirkpatrick (1988: 20) learning can be devined as the extend to roomates
participans change attitudes, improving knowledge, and / or increase of skills
as a result of attending the program. Participants said to have learned if he
had experienced a change in attitude, improvement of knowledge and skills
This evaluation
focused on the changes in attitudes that occur when activities are conducted so
that more is internal, weather behavioral changes focused on behavioral changes
after participants return to the workplace.
This evaluation
focused on the end result (result) happens because of participants have
attended the program in other words is the evaluation of program impact.
F. Design Evaluation
Definition of the evaluation design and procedures is a condition
created by the evaluator to collect data. Most educators when they hear the
term "evaluation" will be directed towards a common research designs
such as the design of pre-test and post-test design. Though the term evaluation
should be interpreted in a larger context.
Educational evaluators usually basing their work on evidence,
rather than mere intuition. The evidence used in the evaluations vary widely,
for example: student performance, test, observation of student behavior, etc..
The framework used evaluator was very diverse, but although the
framework is very useful for the evaluators to make decisions, but still needed
a design evaluation to help evaluators how making the right decision.
Before conducting the evaluation design it must be done that are
the focus of evaluation if and how the evaluation will be conducted. When the
evaluation is to be focused, then this means that processes and design begins.
There are three elements in focusing namely: to bring knowledge and hope, to
gather information and formulate a plan of evaluation.
Preparation of program evaluation design is the first step involves
planning aspects. In the planning stages is described in outline other matters
relating to the activities of the evaluation.
G. Evaluation Design Steps
Evaluation of the program is a service to help program managers to
provide inputs for decisions about continuity program. Therefore, the
evaluation of program implementers need to understand the ins and outs of the
program in question, namely:
a policy decision on the implementation of a program.
appointed evaluator program (can be from the inside or the outside of the
management program) to implement the program after conducting an evaluation for
a certain period.
conducting program assessment, collecting data, analyzing and compiling
program delivered his findings to program managers
In undertaking a systematic evaluation of the program generally
menepuh 4 steps, it is appropriate that explained by Purwanto and Atwi Suparman
(1999: 73) in preparing the strategy of evaluation reports, which include:
design evaluation
In this step
the evaluator started preparing everything to do ith the evaluation, determine
the purpose of the evaluation began, the model to be used, the information will
be searched as well as methods of data collection and analysis.
data collection instruments
Once the data
collection methods of data is determined, the next step is to determine the
form of instrument to be used and to whom the instrument was intended
(respondents). Then after it was developed bouts of items in the instrument.
data, analysis and Judgment
In this step
the evaluator falls spaciousness to implement designs that have been created,
ranging from collecting and analyzing data, interpret, and present in a form
that is easy to understand and communicative. Data collection can be a
population or sampling techniques. Based on the data collected and analyzed and
then made judgments on basic criteria or standards that have been set
previously. From the results of judgment then drafted recommendations to the
steering committee and other interested parties with activities.
the results of the evaluation report
Report prepared
in accordance with the approved contract. The style and format of the
submission of the report should be tailored to the recipient reports.
Judgment in evaluation activities not just at the end of the
program, but it should be done from the beginning, from the preparation of the
program design, program implementation and outcomes of the training program.
Assessment results are not enough programs on short-term results (output) but
can reach long-term results (outcomes and impact the program). There are
various models of program evaluation. Which model to use depends on the
destination and the ability of evaluators.
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tes. Yogyakarta: MitraCendekia.
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Griffin,.P. & Nix,.P.(1991).Educational assessment and
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Kirkpatrick, D.L.(1998).Evaluating training programs, The four
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Naugle.(2005). Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model as a means of
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Oriondo, Oriondo, L. L. & Antonio, E. M.D.
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Popham, W.J. (1995). Classroomassessment. Boston: Allyn and Bacon,
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Stark, J.S. & Thomas, A. (1994). Assessment and program
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Stufflebeam, D.L. & Shinkfield, A.J. (1985). Systematic
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